Kids Corner

sled, gifts, reindeer

Here you can send a direct message to Santa Claus personally with your wishes and comments for this year’s Christmas. Santa wish to visit every child in the world, however we cannot do so without permission of your parents, please go and ask your parents to use this website and to have Santa Claus visiting you this Christmas.

To indicate behaviour for this year, Santa prepared a stamped e-sticker free for every child to download or share on selected social media as you wish to be this year Naughty or Nice. But please choose carefully, Santa will check with the parents.  

Behaviour check list and short Christmas holidays quiz is available for all kids.


Visit of Santa Check List

Santa's Test Your Knowledge Quiz

Santa's Quiz Results image.

Santa Claus's Sticker with Stamped Behaviour

Santa Claus Stamped sticker for naughty kids.
Santa Claus Stamped sticker for nice kids.

Magical Message to Santa - he can not always respond, but no message is left unnoticed.